Scientific Study confirms Equine Kinesiology Taping gives Back Pain Relief for Horses

Scientific Study confirms Equine Kinesiology Taping gives Back Pain Relief for Horses

Many horses suffer with back pain at some time or other and the causes are very varied. From poor saddle fit to repetitive strain injury to more serious problems like kissing spine, back issues need to be treated promptly and correctly.  If you think about it, horses were not designed to be ridden so helping them feel more comfortable with pain relief is very much our responsibility.

Equine kinesiology taping helps muscle recovery in horses and helps with equine pain management. How does this work? Firstly, when the tape is applied it creates decompression, more space in the underlying tissue, this reduces the pressure that the pain receptors experience, stopping pain signals being sent to the brain. At the same time the extra space in the tissue structures allows for more circulation and lymphatic flow, which speeds up healing and allows for muscle recovery in horses. Most horses can benefit from an application of Kinesiology tape, and it can be successfully applied as pain prevention for performance horses. It’s often described as a micro massage so no surprise that horses really enjoy wearing the tape and will show visible signs of release and relaxation following application.

In 2024 a scientific study confirmed that an application of equine K tape at 30% tension along a horse’s back muscles significantly reduced back pain. This supports the clinical use of equine kinesiology tape as a non-invasive and drug free management alterative to help with equine back pain. The full study can be found

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